Camping Along The Natchez Trace Parkway

Mississippi Alabama Stateline

Mississippi Bi-Way

Entrance to Natchez Trace

Natchez Trace Pkwy

Bridge Over Natchez Trace

Native American History


Building Campfire

Rocky Springs Campground, Miss

Rocky Springs Campground, Miss

Key West Road Trip — The Journey Home

{Journal Entry}

DAY 4:

‘Pulled out of St. Joseph’s Peninsula at around 1:30 or so, headed West on Scenic 98 to 71 North.  We’re planning to visit the Southern Tip of Georgia before we head home on El Camino 84 to Texas 287.  That’s the plan anyway.


We ended up at a rest stop off of Interstate Highway 65 at 1 AM in the morning.  Ugh!  ‘Drove all night, but we didn’t want to pay the $$$ on a room for just a few hours of sleep.  So…after stopping numerous times at various motels–and trekking out to the ONLY (what seemed like it) National Forest in Alabama, we settle for a nice…much safer, rest stop.  It was the best choice, and one we should’ve made much earlier in the evening. 

*What I Learned*  Sleeping at rest stops isn’t half as bad as I suspected.  Guess it pays to listen to Nico sometimes; as much as I hate to admit it.  lol

Key West Road Trip — Day 2 Trip Home

Florida Gulf Bridge