The Loss of Yesterday…The Life of Tomorrow

Today…I find myself sandwiched between a day of birth and life, and a day of death and loss. You see– my daddy left us on Labor Day of 1977. And this year, it just so happened to fall on the same date as the day he went to be with The Lord– September 5th.

Tomorrow, I’ll be celebrating my birthday; nearing my mid-fifties, though I still feel like a kid a lot of times. The years between now and way back when my daddy left us, seem to have passed in the blink of an eye. It brings me to realize the preciousness that truly is each and every second of life. It brings me to realize just how much I’ve taken my days…my years, for granted!

Already exceeding the age Daddy was when he left us, I remember sweating my way up to 52. I pushed thoughts from my head that I might not make it past the age he barely had the chance to know. Alas, my worries were for naught! Though tomorrow has yet to come, I am grateful for having made it this far in life. I realize…not another day, minute, or second is ever promised! I thank God that He has given me this much of a chance at proving myself…here in the natural.

I think about all of the foolishness I’ve bothered my mind to think, and all of the time I’ve wasted away, as if time were infinite! The more seasoned I become, the more it hits me that not one single second should be taken for granted! And not one single second should be given to those who do not care to give their precious time! Time is priceless! This I often forget. So many times through-out my years, I have given the benefit of the doubt to people I thought could become friends. Knowing from first glance, every…single…time, whether or not that person was good for me! Many times, I ignored the deep-seeded feelings or red flags that were a definite sign that the friend-candidate was indeed not a good friendship match. I see now, that I would’ve been better to have let many of them just pass on through my life.

I’m not saying that some people are worthless, or that any other soul is better than another. What I am saying is that we are all made up of energy, and some energies just don’t mix. Of course, this is just my opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own. I just look back on my life, and I see…time and time again, the younger me making that same mistake. I tell my older self, fast approaching, to value everyone…but do so from afar with the soul’s whose energy does not necessarily blend with my own. Be picky when it comes to the people I allow in my atmosphere. –While remaining respectful of others…and myself. I somehow know, it’s what my Daddy would have expected from me.

So…I tell myself, like fine wine I’ve reached another year! And minute by minute, day by day, I am blessed with a multitude of second chances to do the right thing and become a better person. I embrace my number, and this phase of my life! I feel blessed to have a beautiful and healthy family; from kids on down to new grand-twins! I celebrate each moment; seeing the little things that matter in my life. I embrace new friendships with strong, self-respecting women…like myself. Women who believe, they too, are seasoned like fine wine; staying active and becoming stronger each and every day! I feel that, like many women my age, I am in a wonderful time of transition!

Yes…my hormones have a mind of their own these days! But it has just taken some time to get better acquainted with this new part of me! The little girl of my youth is still in here…yes she is! Though she knows now to ignore the version of herself she often slipped into being, throughout her trials of growing up. Mistakes…I have a made a-plenty! But they were very necessary in order for me to become a better version of myself. A woman…I truly believe I can say, my daddy would have been proud to call his daughter. –His baby, and youngest of the six he and my mom brought into this world.

And while I’ll never stop missing my father, or feeling a bit blue on Labor Day or September 5th of each year– I know that he lives on in me. I see him in the things I do…the things I say, every day. And I truly feel that my best days are still ahead! Tomorrow is another chance to be a better version of myself. To me…that’s most definitely worth celebrating!

Escaping Corona in a VW Bus

I know it’s been quite a while since I shared with the world. But this past year just hasn’t been ‘normal’ for anyone I know; including myself. For months I’ve longed to pack up and get on with living, to nowhere in particular. With so many folks losing their battles with this tragedy of Covid, I knew I couldn’t stay put any longer.

Leading up to these past few months, I felt a calling to layer more color on my old bus. I was tired of just flowers, and I had a story-of-sorts to tell. So I just got to it! I started layering paint on my Hip Gypsy VW, not knowing exactly what I’d end up with. I was in a state of zen. –Or, perhaps, tranquility? It doesn’t require a label all the time…to do something you can’t really explain. I just felt I needed to paint these scenes of my version of the Colorado Rockies that I so fell in love with last year. I couldn’t help myself to create differing scenes all around; painting a glowing mermaid on the other side of the mountains, and sunrise in front…a sunset in back. It tells a bit about ‘me’, who I am and how much I love so many things about this beautiful planet, and the gifts of Mother Nature.

This collage of memories is just the beginning of so many Bus-Ventures I hope to share with anyone who wishes to see. Of course we practice social distancing while we’re out there in the wild blue yonder! And even though we’re putting quite a dent in the money we’ve been trying to save all year, it’s been very worth every dime!

I hope this entry finds you and your loved ones safe and well during this pandemic time. I pray for us all!

Merry ‘Bus’mas To All…And to All A Cozy Campsite

It’s been a while since my last post, and I’ve really missed sharing my experiences and thoughts with you all.  This past year has been a learning experience, to say the least: some good…some I could have done without.  As you can see, the Peniki Bus has undergone some changes; thanks to my sudden urge to paint flowers on her.  She needed some color!  She needed some love!  

So…one day, I just got creative and started brushing away; first having blotched her all up with spray paint.  I discovered then and there– I am not a spray painter.  I guess I can’t really call myself a painter of flowers either, but I love the way my newly tiki’d Peniki bus looks.  I also painted a very fire-y Sol on the front, bought a new VW badge and painted it aqua blue; the same as the flowers…the same as the interior.

About the interior–  I didn’t like the faded wood-look, all mismatched inside.  So…I painted it, too.  I also sewed some new curtains; which I really love!  As for the cab seats’ re-upholstery DIY I shared a few posts back– and nearly two years ago –I still haven’t finished them, due to lack of funds, and a lot of ‘stuff’ going on to distract me.  The Peniki has seen much better mechanical days, so we’ve mostly had to focus on repairs under the hatch, just to keep her put-putting around.  A new engine is in-the-works, so we can once again hit the open road.  It’s what I love to do.  It’s what I live to do!

Anyways…  If you’re reading this– thank you.  If you follow our meager adventures– thanks again.  And if you choose to leave a comment (or support our dreams and buy one of my two books: Sophi’s Shoe Fetish or Monday…Super-Fun Day, available on Amazon or at, then I send to you the Merriest of Holiday wishes.  May you and your camping family have a very Merry Bus’mas, and a truly Blessed Camping Christmas Holiday!



New String Lights, Curtains, and Interior Paint


Snooz’n and’a Groovin’ in my Nomadic State of Mind Sandals


Outlining the Sprayed-on Flowers


Adding a Few Details to the Flowers on My Bus

Random Cost of Freedom

1-DSCN0513In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, we have come to know just how much freedom really does cost.  Fleeing the island because of a mandatory evacuation, I was glad to change scenery and break out of the rut we’d been in for over four years.  Now, even though we are still obligated to work and try and save enough to move on down the road, we are finally back in my beloved VW Bus, Peniki.

Work-camping among suburbanites and city-island dwellers has proven to be just what I had expected: constant scrutiny, all eyes upon us, and a bit unnerving at times.  Still, I am happy to be back in our camper van: free to live and see the sun rise and set, see the stars at night…in the quiet moonlight.  Once again, I am happy…no matter what judgement is lain upon us by ignorant ‘inside the box’ thinkers.

In my ‘opinion’, I am much richer than any of these sticks and bricks folks will ever be.  Because I welcome myself back from a long…long nap, I am letting go of all the things that have bound me and my family these past few years.  Mermaid Mansion is no longer on the market, mostly because she is worth MUCH more to us than anyone cares to offer.  Therefore, when we do hit the road in our Peniki bus, MM will be securely stored on family property; where she will be safe til we return to her again.  And although our future plans are tentative at best, we feel Blessed to have such freedom to choose a path less traveled.

*Here’s to freedom…no matter the cost!  And letting go of all that threatens to bound you to the ordinary and mundane*

Evacuating Hurricane Harvey

Hurricane Harvey Evacuation

Hurricane Harvey Evacuation

So it only took a hurricane…and a mandatory evacuation, to get our home on the road!  This being my first hurricane, I didn’t know what to expect…so we packed what we could carry on Peniki or our tiny home on wheels, and we evacuated.  I thought that’s what ‘mandatory evacuation’ meant!  ‘Leave with what you can.’

Never mind that we left a mess behind of bits and parts that were attached to our Mermaid Mansion.  And never mind that the old BAG living in her ‘double wide on stilts’, felt compelled to take a pic of what we left during our evac; sending it ever-so tattletale-ish to the owner of the lot we’d been planted on for waaaaay too long.  And never mind the phone call from said land owner, asking us what was going on?

To which I replied something along the lines of, “Well, we were told to leave…so we did.”  I didn’t realize that we were expected to stick around and tie up those loose ends while #HurricaneHarvey blew our way.  Really, it’s not like me to leave such ends untied, but when it comes down to protecting our family and home (that we stayed put faaaar too long to remodel); I guess I might tend to be a bit…hasty.  I meant no disrespect to anyone; not even the old BAT next door!  I guess humanity only exists on the news.

#RhythmOfTheRoad #HurricaneHarveyEvacuation #TinyHomeOnWheels #LeavingLooseEnds

Evacuating Hurricane Harvey

Hurricane Harvey Evacuation

DIY VW Bus Seat Re-Upholstering Part III – Drivers Side

So in Part I and Part II of the DIY reupholstering of my front seats, I’ve been working on the driver’s side first…just to get it out of the way.  Most folks might think that both front seats are the same in VW Buses, but they aren’t.  The drivers side seat has a full back side (back side of back rest), while the passenger’s seat (at least in my 71 Westfalia) only has a partial back panel so it can lock into place with the ‘hoop lock’ attached to the van itself.  I’ll post some pics of this when I get to the passenger side seat re-upholstering.

For now, I am still in the throes of figuring out the various shapes I am having to create from the very worn out, tattered, and barely there pieces of the old driver’s seat.  I am hoping for the best, while bracing myself for the worst.

I’ve lost a bit of momentum, I admit, since it took over a month to receive the faux burlap I ordered from Baja California Sur, Mexico.  I wasn’t very pleased when I received it, because it is quite transparent.  So…with hopes of remedying this problem, I have plans to fuse a very thick layer of Pellon Wonder Under fusible webbing to the underside.  I guess we’ll see how that goes.

For now, here are a few pics of the patterns I have created from newspaper.  I will post more pics in the next part of this series; when I cut and fuse the fabric.  If you have re-upholstered the seats in your VW Van…ever, please feel free to drop me a note or two of advice.  I could use it at this point!

Thanks for stopping by, and uber thanks for commenting!

*Never stop learning new, exciting, and useful things.*  *Amaze yourself every now and then!*


DIY Seat Upholstery In VW Bus – Part II

In Part I of my take on cheap seats in my Volkswagen Camper Bus, I showed the remains of the driver’s seat, the bare frame of the seat, and listed the products and items I am using to redo my front cab seats in my 71 Westfalia Camp-Mobile Bus.

Here in Part II, I’ll be showing the process of how I sewed a burlap cover to overlay the springs of the frame; which was not done in the original seat upholstery process.  Originally, the coconut hull cushion was just lain right over the springs; which to me seemed haphazard.  –Especially since the springs had, of late, been piercing through all the ragged layers and ripping my clothes.  I felt it was a very necessary step.

Then I cut-to-fit (cutting quite big, at first…so as-not to undercut; since I have limited supply), the carpet padding and glued two layers (wrong/rough sides together), to give my driver’s seat plenty of firm cushion.  Then…I went even further and stitched the cushion to the under-springs with Hemp Twine (see pics below).

I hope this tutorial will inspire some of you VW Bus enthusiasts to re-upholster your own seats, and let your creativity be your improvisational guide.  Thanks for reading my Blog.  Stay on the look-out for Part III, where I hope to finish this project with success!  :  )

Peace .V.. & Love!

The Process (in pictures) of the 1st Phase of Re-upholstering (Driver’s Seat): PART II 

*Click on Pics to Enlarge*


DIY Seat Re-Upholstery in VW Camper Bus

DIY Seat Re-Upholstery in VW Camper Bus:

‘Need new seats in your VW Westfalia Camp-mobile or Bus, but you can’t afford to have them professionally done?  Well…you’re not alone!  I too found myself in this situation where the front seats in my old 71 Volkswagen Camper Bus were not only shredding and falling apart, but the seat springs were ripping our clothes when we sat down to drive.  I knew I couldn’t put off upholstering any longer.

With minimal to no funds for prettying up my old bus, I had to get creative.  Enter this Do-It-Yourself method I conjured up out of desperation and hard-headedness.  Re-purposing some leftover (brand new and unused) carpet padding from re-carpeting our daughter’s tiny room, I found it was a perfect fit (firm cushion and water-resistant on top side) for the job.

So, here’s Part I of the creation of my van’s CHEAP DIY seats.  :  )  I welcome you to follow my blog for Part II of this project.  I am awaiting my fabric so I can finish the job.  Wish me luck!  I’m learning as I go, and welcome any comments or suggestions any of you may have.  Thank you for stopping by!  :  )

.V.. (Peace) & Love!


  • A yard-and-a-half of Jute Burlap fabric
  • Tan Upholstery or Heavy-duty thread
  • Regular, but Large/Sturdy, Sewing Needle
  • Upholstery Needle
  • New ‘Moisture Resistant’ carpet padding (enough for two layers on seat and back)
  • Spray adhesive
  • Hemp Twine in various thicknesses
  • Choice of Upholstery Fabric ( at least 4 yards) *Does not have to be upholstery fabric, but can be any medium or heavier weight fabric.*
  • Fusible Webbing like Wonder Under (heavy weight, but still flexible)
  • Elmer’s or similar school glue **Optional

THE PROCESS (in pictures) — PART I: The Tearing Down




Buying a Tow Vehicle for RV or Tiny Home on Wheels

For as long as I can recall, I’ve had Wanderlust; which is why my home is on wheels.  But minus a tow vehicle to haul our beloved caravan from place to place, my family and I have been in quite a situation for quite some time.  And I have to admit, I’d rather be anything than a ‘sitting duck’!

Alas, we are no longer stranded…since finally we found the perfect tow vehicle to haul our tiny home to where ever we wish to wander.  –That’s just-about everywhere, truth be told!  And it wasn’t an easy decision until just recently, when the light bulb finally went off over our heads, and hubby and I agreed on what would be the best fit for our nomadic family.

We knew we’d need a V-8 under the hood…to tow our 4300 pound home down the road with ease, and we both agreed on getting a 4 x 4 so we could be off road when ever we wished.  Having room for our little’n and K-9 kid, plus some room for cargo and such, was a no-brainer.  So it was settled on what-all we needed to haul our tiny island bungalow.  Finding something within our budget would be another task…in-and-of itself.  So…I started combing the internet…Craigslist, and Ebay.

Never in a million years did I think we’d end up with everything we wanted and our ‘dream truck’!  –But…we did.  With Auction Sniper, I sniped our classic 85 Chevy Silverado, K5 Blazer for waaay less than we ever thought we’d pay.  It was delivered by the super nice seller that next weekend…for a small fee, and we are now prepping to get her ready for the road.  Even if she does need some love, she fires right up, and we all love driving her.  And just our luck, she comes pretty darned close to matching the colors on Mermaid Mansion.

We still haven’t set a definite date for departure on our next big adventure, but at least we’re no longer sitting ducks on an island prone to hurricanes.  –Not to mention the fact that it stinks to have a home on wheels when you can’t move her on down the road when you get the antsy pants.  Even still, we’re eager to see new things and experience life — once again — living full-time on the road in our vintage home on wheels.

Life is good!  And living in a tiny home on wheels is even sweeter!!  See you down the road…soon…real soon!

*Live the Life You Love!  Rise above those who try and keep you down.*


VW Bus Adventures — Kisatchie to Homochitto

We hope you enjoy The Journey into nature.  Fair Winds and Happy Travels!

.V.. (Peace) & Love,


Living Big in a VW Campervan Bus

— Living Big…and Traveling Small —

Key West Road Trip in a VW Westfalia:  In our second stretch of the journey to Florida, we stopped at beautiful Kisatchie National Forest in central Lousiana.  We hope our adventures inspire you and your family to live on the simple side of life.

Love & .V.. (Peace) to You and Yours!


Driftwood Christmas Trees & Tiny Homes on Wheels

Driftwood Christmas Trees & Tiny Homes on Wheels

Caravan & Travel Trailer Remodeling

I must say, this past year has flown by.  It seems like yesterday I was out in the yard building my first-ever drift wood Christmas tree for #Mermaid Mansion.  Even though it required a bit of ‘sprucing’ up, I am so happy to use my lovely island tree again this year.

I made a little tree for Nixi last year, too.  –Out of the scrap driftwood I had left over from the bigger (but still very ‘tiny house size’) tree we put in our big bay window…in our living/bed room.  Accumulating more and more ornaments over the last year with-which to trim our tree, I find that my collection of mermaids is growing at a steady rate.  That…makes me very happy indeed.  We even found some sparkly fish — one for each of us — at our local discount store.  They really tie it all up into one…

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